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Just what is the Haven of the Dragon?


We are a multi-faith group that believes that by studying and learning about the world around us we are better able to understand ourselves and the path we walk. We also believe that dragons do exist and that they are here as guardians and instructors.

What do you believe?


My personal path is highly eclectic with a strong leaning towards Draconic Paganism. I am an ordained Universalist Minister. There are several beliefs in this group. No one belief/path is more right, or wrong, than another.  It is your path and only you ae qualified to decide if that path is right for you.

Do I have to be pagan to join?


No, you do not.  We only ask that you come with an open mind and an open heart, that you are willing to learn, and be very willing to have your thought processes challenged.




What do you teach?


The first set of lessons is about nature based religions, along with information about other religious/spiritual paths that are out there.  A majority of the Haven is nature based, we do celebrate the changing of seasons/turning of the wheel. Those who continue on past the initial learning will have a path geared towards challenging them in how they view the world and their path that they walk.


Do I have to join/dedicate in order to learn?


That is a personal decision you have to make.  All Apprentice lessons will be available, free, on this webpage. If you choose to dedicate to the Haven and the ways of the Haven, we gather the first weekend of May every year.  That is when those who have been studying/following the path are challenged to pass to the next level and those wishing to dedicate to the Haven can formally make their voice heard.  Anything beyond the initial 49 lessons, it is asked of you that you dedicate to the Haven ways.  The lessons will be tailored to you, challenging you on the path you walk to explore different aspects of the world you may not have thought of.




Below are some of the common questions that I am asked about the Haven of the Dragon. If you don't find what the answer you seek, feel free to contact me.


What holidays do you celebrate?


We celebrate many holidays.  The Sabbats are the most pronounced due to the original base nature of the Haven honouring the passing of the seasons.  We acknowledge the phases of the moon. We also incorporate the holidays of the paths of those who walk with us.

Do you perform any special services?


Not at this time. We are working with Guilds of Requiem, their Marketplace, and other area businesses to offer Sabbat Celebrations along with gearing towards online weekly discussions. 




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